30 TOP Hadoop admin interview question and answers pdf free download

 Latest Hadoop admin interview question and answers for freshers and experienced pdf free download

1. Which operating system(s) are supported for production Hadoop deployment?
2. What is the role of the namenode?
3. What happen on the namenode when a client tries to read a data file?
4. What are the hardware requirements for a Hadoop cluster (primary and secondary namenodes and datanodes)?
5. What mode(s) can Hadoop code be run in?
6. How would an Hadoop administrator deploy various components of Hadoop in production?
7. What is the best practice to deploy the secondary namenode
8. Is there a standard procedure to deploy Hadoop?
9. What is the role of the secondary namenode?
10. What are the side effects of not running a secondary name node?
11. What happen if a datanode loses network connection for a few minutes?
12. What happen if one of the datanodes has much slower CPU?
13. What is speculative execution?
14. After increasing the replication level, I still see that data is under replicated. What could be wrong?
15. How many racks do you need to create an Hadoop cluster in order to make sure that the cluster operates reliably?
16. Are there any special requirements for namenode?
17. If you have a file 128M size and replication factor is set to 3, how many blocks can you find on the cluster that will correspond to that file (assuming the default apache and cloudera configuration)?
18. What is distributed copy (distcp)?
19. What is replication factor?
20. What daemons run on Master nodes?
21. What is rack awareness?
22. What is the role of the jobtracker in an Hadoop cluster?
23. How does the Hadoop cluster tolerate datanode failures?
24. What is the procedure for namenode recovery?
25. Web-UI shows that half of the datanodes are in decommissioning mode. What does that mean? Is it safe to remove those nodes from the network?
26. What does the Hadoop administrator have to do after adding new datanodes to the Hadoop cluster?
27. If the Hadoop administrator needs to make a change, which configuration file does he need to change?
28. Map Reduce jobs are failing on a cluster that was just restarted. They worked before restart. What could be wrong?
29. Map Reduce jobs take too long. What can be done to improve the performance of the cluster?
30. How often do you need to reformat the namenode?


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